Lacey Green Windmill, Buckinghamshire


We are unable to spend money on advertising, and postage costs make distributing publicity material difficult. If you are able to display any posters to help us publicise Lacey Green Windmill, we would be very grateful. You might be a Tourist Information Centre, another property that opens to visitors (eg another mill or a museum), an accommodation provider, or have a notice board which is viewed by people who might be interested in seeing our Windmill.

Our A4 poster (valid from 2022) is available via the link below, in pdf format.  If you are able to print it and put it on display, we would be very grateful.

A4 Colour Poster valid from 2022   (this link is set to open in a new window or tab)



Below is a sample of the poster that you can download.

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This page ( publicity.php ) was last updated on 5 January 2022.

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The Chiltern Society is a Registered Charity No 1085163 and a Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England and Wales Registration No 4138448.